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Deluxe Roller - 1oz

Deluxe Roller - 1oz


This 1 oz Roller Bottle is the perfect choice for your favorite perfume or cologne. With this bottle, you can get more bang for your buck while still enjoying your favorite scent. Remember that less is more – a little dab is all you need! This bottle is also great for travel, so you can take your favorite scent wherever you go.

Deluxe Roller - 1oz

This 1 oz Roller Bottle is the perfect choice for your favorite perfume or cologne. With this bottle, you can get more bang for your buck while still enjoying your favorite scent. Remember that less is more – a little dab is all you need! This bottle is also great for travel, so you can take your favorite scent wherever you go.



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Your Custom Blend


Example Fragrance



Example Fragrance


Start adding fragrances to create your custom blend!

Want to adjust the proportions in your custom blend?

Specify the percentage (e.g., 50%, 25%) or ratio (e.g., 1/2, 1/3) for each fragrance or item number in the Special Requests Box below!

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