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Rich Body Lotion

Rich Body Lotion


This Moisture Rich All-Over Body Lotion is a perfect smell good feel good addition to your day. Formulated with natural ingredients, Our Moisture Rich All-Over Body Lotion will nourish your skin and keep your fragrance lasting all day. With its lightweight and non-greasy formula, you can layer it with your favorite oil to create a long-lasting and irresistible scent.

Rich Body Lotion

This Moisture Rich All-Over Body Lotion is a perfect smell good feel good addition to your day. Formulated with natural ingredients, Our Moisture Rich All-Over Body Lotion will nourish your skin and keep your fragrance lasting all day. With its lightweight and non-greasy formula, you can layer it with your favorite oil to create a long-lasting and irresistible scent.



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Your Custom Blend


Example Fragrance



Example Fragrance


Start adding fragrances to create your custom blend!

Want to adjust the proportions in your custom blend?

Specify the percentage (e.g., 50%, 25%) or ratio (e.g., 1/2, 1/3) for each fragrance or item number in the Special Requests Box below!

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